Night of the Fools (2004) - The Hunt for Edward D. Wood, Jr.
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Night of the Fools (2004)

Night of the Fools

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Directed by Ace Fronton
Written by Ace Fronton
Wood regulars

Additional cast
Dash Titan
Yahuba Daly
Tim Timkoko
Don Mouskori
Shep Winfield
Trza Vante

Ed, Criswell, Elvira, Tor & Bela spend an evening hanging out and talking leading up to the making of Plan 9 From Outer Space.
Night of the Fools is a somewhat harsh look at Ed and his cronies. Writer / director Fronton does a decent enough job of capturing the feel of Ed's direction, but completely fails to capture Ed's joy of life. The dialogue gets a bit too "real" for an Ed movie (with far too much swearing), and the actors never really connect with those they are portraying.

Recommended for only the most dedicated and determined Ed fans.
Best Line
File Under
Comedy, Ed Portrayed, Posthumous, Transvestitism



Seen at several film festivals, Night of the Fools is now available for purchase.

Night of the FoolsNight of the Fools is available on DVD directly from True-Life Photoplays on either eBay or on their Web Site

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